Expertise & Areas of interest
- Endocrinology and metabolic diseases Diabetes Thyroid diseases Hypophysis diseases Obesity Diseases of the adrenal gland
Foreign Languages
- English
Institutional Memberships
2004 – Honourable mention at the 1st Nutrition Symposium and 2nd Turkish Obesity Congress, Denizli, for his study on “Bozulmuş glukoz toleransı veya açlık glukozu bulunan 102 hastanın yaklaşık iki yıllık izlem sonuçları – Results of about two years of observation of 102 patients with glucose tolerance disorder or fasting glucose”
2005 – First prize in the Best Publication category of the Scientific Publication Support Award on Diabetes Mellitus of the Turkish Diabetes Foundation for a study entitled: “Endothelial dysfunction in young women with polycystic ovary syndrome: Relationship with insulin resistance and low grade chronic inflammation”,
2017 – Third prize in the Best Presentation category at the 53rd National Diabetes Congress
4. Karci AC, Canturk Z, Tarkun İ., Çetinarslan B., Matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) levels are increased in active acromegaly patients.
19. Tarkun İ, Dikmen E,, Cetinarslan B,, Cantürk Z., Impact of treatment with metformin on adipokines in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. European Cytokine Network 21(4); 272-77.